Blockchain technology, with its decentralized and immutable nature, has gained significant traction in various industries for its potential to revolutionize processes and transactions. Hyperledger Fabric stands out as a popular permissioned blockchain framework due to its modular architecture, flexibility, and enterprise-grade features.
In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of setting up a multi-cluster, multi-organization Hyperledger Fabric network, with detailed steps and explanations along the way.
Understanding Multi-Cluster Hyperledger Fabric Architecture
Before delving into the setup process, let’s grasp the architecture we’re aiming to achieve. In our scenario, we’re designing a multi-cluster Hyperledger Fabric network to facilitate collaboration between multiple organizations while maintaining isolation and scalability. Here’s a brief overview:
Organizations (Orgs): We have two distinct organizations, Org1 and Org2. Each organization operates independently and has its own Certificate Authority (CA) responsible for managing cryptographic identities.
Clusters: Org1 and Org2 are deployed on separate Kubernetes clusters to ensure fault tolerance and resource isolation. Each cluster hosts its own set of peers and CA.
Orderers: The orderer service, responsible for reaching consensus on transactions, is distributed across a separate organization. We have two orderers, Orderer1 and Orderer2, deployed in separate clusters for redundancy and high availability.

This architecture ensures that each organization has control over its resources while facilitating cross-organization communication through shared channels and smart contracts.
Tools Used
To implement this architecture, we leverage the following tools:
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS): EKS simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of Kubernetes clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS), providing a reliable foundation for hosting our Fabric network.
Hlf-Operator: Hlf-Operator is a Kubernetes operator specifically designed to manage Hyperledger Fabric networks. It abstracts many complex steps in deploying and managing the fabric network.
Steps to Setup the Network
Now that we understand the architecture and tools involved, let’s examine the step-by-step setup process.
Step 1: Setup EKS Cluster
The first step is to create the Kubernetes clusters on which we’ll deploy our Fabric network components. We’ll use Amazon EKS for this purpose. Here’s an outline of the process:
Cluster Configuration: Define the cluster configuration, including parameters like instance types, number of instances, availability zones etc.
apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: cluster1 # cluster2 for 2nd cluster region: us-east-1 version: "1.29" kubernetesNetworkConfig: ipFamily: IPv4 nodeGroups: - name: ng-1 instanceType: t3.medium desiredCapacity: 2 ssh: publicKeyPath: ~/infra/ availabilityZones: ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"] iam: withOIDC: true serviceAccounts: - metadata: name: ebs-csi-controller-sa namespace: kube-system wellKnownPolicies: ebsCSIController: true addons: - name: vpc-cni attachPolicyARNs: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy - name: coredns version: latest - name: kube-proxy version: latest - name: aws-ebs-csi-driver wellKnownPolicies: ebsCSIController: true
Cluster Creation: Use eksctl, a command-line tool for managing EKS clusters, to create the clusters based on the configuration.
# Create cluster1 eksctl create cluster -f cluster1_config.yaml # Create cluster2 eksctl create cluster -f cluster2_config.yaml
Kubeconfig Setup: Create kubeconfig files to enable access to the newly created clusters.
# Create cluster1 kubeconfig
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name cluster1 --kubeconfig ~/.kube/cluster1-config
# Create cluster2 kubeconfig
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name cluster2 --kubeconfig ~/.kube/cluster2-config
Step 2: Install Hlf-Operator and Istio
Hlf-Operator simplifies the management of Fabric resources on Kubernetes, while Istio provides a service mesh for handling traffic and communication between pods. Here’s how to set them up:
Hlf-Operator Installation: Add the Hlf-Operator Helm repository and install the operator on both clusters.
Istio Installation: Install Istio on both clusters to enable features like load balancing and traffic management.
# Cluster 1 export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config -------------------------------------------------------- helm repo add kfs --force-update helm install hlf-operator --version=1.10.0 -- kfs/hlf-operator istioctl install -y
# Cluster 2 export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config -------------------------------------------------------- helm repo add kfs --force-update helm install hlf-operator --version=1.10.0 -- kfs/hlf-operator istioctl install -y
Istio will provide a URL to the cluster. Run the following command and get the value provided under EXTERNAL-IP
column. We need this URL while configuring the DNS.
kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
Step 3: Configure DNS
DNS configuration is crucial for enabling communication between different components of the Fabric network. We’ll set up DNS records to map service endpoints to domain names, allowing for seamless interaction. This involves:
Hosted Zone Setup: Configure DNS records in AWS Route 53 for the domain associated with your Fabric network.
Record Creation: Create records for each service, including peers, CAs, and orderers, associating them with their respective domain names.
Configure the records to point to the cluster external URL. Example – For peer 0 of org1, Set subdomain as peer0.org1.fabric
Select record type as CNAME and Value as cluster 1 external URL (The value we got above in EXTERNAL-IP
Configure the following records:
Org 1:
Peer0 - Peer1 - org1-ca -
Org 2:
Peer0 - Peer1 - org2-ca -
Orderer1 - Orderer1 admin host - Orderer2 - Orderer2 admin host - Orderer-ca -
Step 4: Setup Organization CAs and Peers
With the infrastructure in place, we can now deploy the Fabric network components for each organization. This includes Certificate Authorities, Peers, Orderers deployment.
Certificate Authorities(CA) – CA is responsible for issuing cryptographic identities.
Peers – Peers enable transaction processing and chaincode execution.
Org1 Setup
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config ------------------------------------------------------ # Create Org1 CA kubectl hlf ca create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --capacity 1Gi \ --name org1-ca \ --hosts \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-pw enrollpw \ --output > resources/org1/ca.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/org1/ca.yaml ------------------------------------------------------- # Register Peer Identity kubectl hlf ca register \ --name org1-ca \ --user peer \ --secret peerpw \ --type peer \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-secret enrollpw \ --mspid Org1MSP # Deploy Org1 Peer0 kubectl hlf peer create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --enroll-id peer \ --enroll-pw peerpw \ --mspid Org1MSP \ --capacity 2Gi \ --name peer0-org1 \ --ca-name org1-ca.default \ --hosts \ --istio-ingressgateway ingressgateway \ --istio-port 443 \ --output > resources/org1/peer0.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/org1/peer0.yaml ------------------------------------------------------- # Deploy Org1 Peer1 kubectl hlf peer create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --enroll-id peer \ --enroll-pw peerpw \ --mspid Org1MSP \ --capacity 2Gi \ --name peer1-org1 \ --ca-name org1-ca.default \ --hosts \ --istio-ingressgateway ingressgateway \ --istio-port 443 \ --output > resources/org1/peer1.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/org1/peer1.yaml --------------------------------------------------------- # Wait for CA, Peers deployment kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all -------------------------------------------------------
Note: If you get errors related to strict decoding error while applying the kubectl files, delete the fields(mostly fields with null value) specified in errors from the yaml file.
Org2 Setup
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config ----------------------------------------------------- # Deploy Org2 CA kubectl hlf ca create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --capacity 1Gi \ --name org2-ca \ --hosts \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-pw enrollpw \ --output > resources/org2/ca.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/org2/ca.yaml ----------------------------------------------------- # Register Org2 Peer Identity kubectl hlf ca register \ --name org2-ca \ --user peer \ --secret peerpw \ --type peer \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-secret enrollpw \ --mspid Org2MSP # Deploy Org2 Peer0 kubectl hlf peer create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --enroll-id peer \ --enroll-pw peerpw \ --mspid Org2MSP \ --capacity 2Gi \ --name peer0-org2 \ --ca-name org2-ca.default \ --hosts \ --istio-ingressgateway ingressgateway \ --istio-port 443 \ --output > resources/org2/peer0.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/org2/peer0.yaml ----------------------------------------------------- # Deploy Org2 Peer1 kubectl hlf peer create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --enroll-id peer \ --enroll-pw peerpw \ --mspid Org2MSP \ --capacity 2Gi \ --name peer1-org2 \ --ca-name org2-ca.default \ --hosts \ --istio-ingressgateway ingressgateway \ --istio-port 443 \ --output > resources/org2/peer1.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/org2/peer1.yaml ----------------------------------------------------- # Wait for CA, Peers deployment kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all -----------------------------------------------------
Step 5: Create Orderer Organization
The orderer organization plays a critical role in achieving consensus among network participants. We’ll set up the orderer components, including:
CA Creation: Deploy the CA for the orderer organization to manage cryptographic identities.
Orderer Deployment: Deploy multiple orderers, distributed across clusters for fault tolerance and scalability.
Create Orderer CA
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config --------------------------------------------------------- # Deploy Orderer CA kubectl hlf ca create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --capacity 1Gi \ --name ord-ca \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-pw enrollpw \ --hosts \ --output > resources/orderer/ca.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/orderer/ca.yaml
Deploy Orderer1
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config --------------------------------------------------------- # Register Orderer1 Identity kubectl hlf ca register \ --name ord-ca \ --user orderer1 \ --secret orderer1pw \ --type orderer \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-secret enrollpw \ --mspid OrdererMSP # Deploy Orderer1 kubectl hlf ordnode create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --enroll-id orderer1 \ --mspid OrdererMSP \ --enroll-pw orderer1pw \ --capacity 1Gi \ --name ord1-node \ --ca-name ord-ca.default \ --hosts \ --admin-hosts \ --istio-ingressgateway ingressgateway \ --istio-port 443 \ --output > resources/orderer/orderer1.yaml kubectl apply -f resources/orderer/orderer1.yaml
Deploy Orderer2
Create Orderer2 User
# As orderer CA is in cluster 1, set kubeconfig to cluster1. export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config ------------------------------------------------------------ # Register Orderer2 Identity kubectl hlf ca register \ --name ord-ca \ --user orderer2 \ --secret orderer2pw \ --type orderer \ --enroll-id enroll \ --enroll-secret enrollpw \ --mspid OrdererMSP
Generate Orderer2 configuration
Currently, the HLF Operator requires the CA to be on the same cluster to generate the configuration. To bypass this limitation, we will use the Org2 CA server to generate the configuration and then manually modify it before deployment.
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config ---------------------------------------------------------- # Deploy Orderer2 kubectl hlf ordnode create \ --storage-class gp2 \ --enroll-id orderer2 \ --mspid OrdererMSP \ --enroll-pw orderer2pw \ --capacity 1Gi \ --name ord2-node \ --ca-name org2-ca.default \ --hosts \ --admin-hosts \ --istio-ingressgateway ingressgateway \ --istio-port 443 \ --output > resources/orderer/orderer2.yaml
The following changes are required in the file resources/orderer/orderer2.yaml:
1. Set spec.secret.enrollment.component.cahost to ""
2. Set spec.secret.enrollment.tls.cahost
to ""
3. Add ""
to spec.secret.enrollment.tls.csr.hosts
4. Copy thespec.secret.enrollment.component.catls.cacert
value from resources/orderer/orderer1.yaml
and paste it into these properties in resources/orderer/orderer2.yaml:
a. spec.secret.enrollment.component.catls.cacert
b. spec.secret.enrollment.tls.catls.cacert
Deploy Orderer2
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config kubectl apply -f resources/orderer/orderer2.yaml
Wait for Orderer Org CA and orderers deployment
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config kubectl wait --timeout 180s --for condition=Running --all
At this stage, we should have all the CAs, peers, orderers up and running. Now we need to create a channel with both the orgs and peers.
Step 6: Create Channel
Channels in Hyperledger Fabric facilitate private communication and transaction flow between specific network participants. Here’s how to create and configure a channel:
Identities Secret Creation: Create a secret containing cryptographic identities for managing the channel.
We need admin identities to create the channel. Let first register the identities.
Register and enrolling OrdererMSP identity
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config ---------------------------------------------------------- # Register Orderer Admin kubectl hlf ca register --name=ord-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw \ --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=OrdererMSP # Enroll Orderer Admin kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=ord-ca --namespace=default \ --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid OrdererMSP \ --ca-name tlsca --output orderermsp.yaml
Register and enrolling Org1MSP Orderer identity
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config ---------------------------------------------------------- kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw \ --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=Org1MSP kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=org1-ca --namespace=default \ --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid Org1MSP \ --ca-name tlsca --output org1msp-tlsca.yaml
Register and enrolling Org1MSP identity
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --namespace=default --user=admin --secret=adminpw \ --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=Org1MSP kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=org1-ca --namespace=default \ --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid Org1MSP \ --ca-name ca --output org1msp.yaml kubectl hlf identity create --name org1-admin --namespace default \ --ca-name org1-ca --ca-namespace default \ --ca ca --mspid Org1MSP --enroll-id admin --enroll-secret adminpw
Register and enrolling Org2MSP identity
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config kubectl hlf ca register --name=org2-ca --namespace=default --user=admin --secret=adminpw \ --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=Org2MSP kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=org2-ca --namespace=default \ --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid Org2MSP \ --ca-name ca --output org2msp.yaml kubectl hlf identity create --name org2-admin --namespace default \ --ca-name org2-ca --ca-namespace default \ --ca ca --mspid Org2MSP --enroll-id admin --enroll-secret adminpw
Create the secret
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config kubectl create secret generic wallet --namespace=default --from-file=org1msp.yaml=$PWD/org1msp.yaml --from-file=orderermsp.yaml=$PWD/orderermsp.yaml
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config kubectl create secret generic wallet --namespace=default --from-file=org2msp.yaml=$PWD/org2msp.yaml --from-file=orderermsp.yaml=$PWD/orderermsp.yaml
Channel Initialization: Initialize the main channel, specifying participating organizations, orderers, and channel policies.
Create main channel
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config export IDENT_8=$(printf "%8s" "") export ORDERER_TLS_CERT=$(kubectl get fabriccas ord-ca -o=jsonpath='{.status.tlsca_cert}' | sed -e "s/^/${IDENT_8}/" ) export ORDERER0_TLS_CERT=$(kubectl get fabricorderernodes ord1-node -o=jsonpath='{.status.tlsCert}' | sed -e "s/^/${IDENT_8}/" ) export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config export ORG2_SIGN_CERT=$(kubectl get fabriccas org1-ca -o=jsonpath='{.status.ca_cert}') export ORG2_TLS_CERT=$(kubectl get fabriccas org1-ca -o=jsonpath='{.status.tlsca_cert}') export ORDERER1_TLS_CERT=$(kubectl get fabricorderernodes ord2-node -o=jsonpath='{.status.tlsCert}' | sed -e "s/^/${IDENT_8}/" )
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: FabricMainChannel metadata: name: mychannel spec: name: mychannel adminOrdererOrganizations: - mspID: OrdererMSP adminPeerOrganizations: - mspID: Org1MSP channelConfig: application: acls: null capabilities: - V2_0 policies: null capabilities: - V2_0 orderer: batchSize: absoluteMaxBytes: 1048576 maxMessageCount: 10 preferredMaxBytes: 524288 batchTimeout: 2s capabilities: - V2_0 etcdRaft: options: electionTick: 10 heartbeatTick: 1 maxInflightBlocks: 5 snapshotIntervalSize: 16777216 tickInterval: 500ms ordererType: etcdraft policies: null state: STATE_NORMAL policies: null externalOrdererOrganizations: [] peerOrganizations: - mspID: Org1MSP caName: "org1-ca" caNamespace: "default" identities: OrdererMSP: secretKey: orderermsp.yaml secretName: wallet secretNamespace: default Org1MSP: secretKey: org1msp.yaml secretName: wallet secretNamespace: default externalPeerOrganizations: - mspID: Org2MSP tlsRootCert: | ${ORG2_TLS_CERT} signRootCert: | ${ORG2_SIGN_CERT} ordererOrganizations: - caName: "ord-ca" caNamespace: "default" externalOrderersToJoin: - host: port: 443 mspID: OrdererMSP ordererEndpoints: - - orderersToJoin: - name: ord1-node namespace: default orderers: - host: port: 443 tlsCert: |- ${ORDERER0_TLS_CERT} - host: port: 443 tlsCert: |- ${ORDERER1_TLS_CERT} EOF
Peer Joining: Join peers from Org1 and Org2 to the channel, establishing their membership and enabling transaction endorsement.
Create Follower Channel In Org1
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config export IDENT_8=$(printf "%8s" "") export ORDERER0_TLS_CERT=$(kubectl get fabricorderernodes ord1-node -o=jsonpath='{.status.tlsCert}' | sed -e "s/^/${IDENT_8}/" ) kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: FabricFollowerChannel metadata: name: mychannel-org1msp spec: anchorPeers: - host: port: 443 hlfIdentity: secretKey: org1msp.yaml secretName: wallet secretNamespace: default mspId: Org1MSP name: mychannel externalPeersToJoin: [] orderers: - certificate: | ${ORDERER0_TLS_CERT} url: grpcs://ord1-node.default:7050 peersToJoin: - name: peer0-org1 namespace: default - name: peer1-org1 namespace: default EOF
Create Follower Channel In Org2
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config export IDENT_8=$(printf "%8s" "") export ORDERER1_TLS_CERT=$(kubectl get fabricorderernodes ord2-node -o=jsonpath='{.status.tlsCert}' | sed -e "s/^/${IDENT_8}/" ) kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: FabricFollowerChannel metadata: name: mychannel-org2msp spec: anchorPeers: - host: port: 443 hlfIdentity: secretKey: org2msp.yaml secretName: wallet secretNamespace: default mspId: Org2MSP name: mychannel externalPeersToJoin: [] orderers: - certificate: | ${ORDERER1_TLS_CERT} url: grpcs://ord2-node.default:7050 peersToJoin: - name: peer0-org2 namespace: default - name: peer1-org2 namespace: default EOF
Step 7: Install Chaincode
Chaincode, also known as smart contracts, governs the logic of transactions on the Fabric network. We’ll install, approve, and commit the chaincode on peers from both organizations:
Package Chaincode As A Service
export CHAINCODE_NAME=basictransfer export CHAINCODE_LABEL=basictransfer_1.0 cat << METADATA-EOF > "metadata.json" { "type": "ccaas", "label": "${CHAINCODE_LABEL}" } METADATA-EOF cat > "connection.json" <<CONN_EOF { "address": "${CHAINCODE_NAME}:7052", "dial_timeout": "10s", "tls_required": false } CONN_EOF tar cfz code.tar.gz connection.json tar cfz basictransfer-external.tgz metadata.json code.tar.gz
Install Chaincode – Org1
Prepare connection string
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config kubectl hlf inspect --output org1.yaml -o Org1MSP -o OrdererMSP kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid Org1MSP kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid Org1MSP --ca-name ca --output peer-org1.yaml kubectl hlf utils adduser --userPath=peer-org1.yaml --config=org1.yaml --username=admin --mspid=Org1MSP
Install, Deploy, Approve, Commit Chaincode – Org1
Refer this page for creating the chaincode docker image which will be used to deploy the smart contract as a service.
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config export SEQUENCE=1 export VERSION="1.0" export LANGUAGE=golang export PACKAGE_ID=$(kubectl hlf chaincode calculatepackageid --path=./basictransfer-external.tgz --language=$LANGUAGE --label=$CHAINCODE_LABEL) echo "PACKAGE_ID=$PACKAGE_ID" # Install - peer0 kubectl hlf chaincode install --path=./basictransfer-external.tgz \ --config=org1.yaml --language=$LANGUAGE --label=$CHAINCODE_LABEL --user=admin --peer=peer0-org1.default # Install - peer1 kubectl hlf chaincode install --path=./basictransfer-external.tgz \ --config=org1.yaml --language=$LANGUAGE --label=$CHAINCODE_LABEL --user=admin --peer=peer1-org1.default # Deploy kubectl hlf externalchaincode sync --image=<username>/chaincode:latest \ --name=$CHAINCODE_NAME \ --namespace=default \ --package-id=$PACKAGE_ID \ --tls-required=false \ --replicas=1 # Approve kubectl hlf chaincode approveformyorg --config=org1.yaml --user=admin --peer=peer0-org1.default \ --package-id=$PACKAGE_ID \ --version "$VERSION" --sequence "$SEQUENCE" --name=basictransfer \ --policy='OR('\''Org1MSP.member'\'','\''Org2MSP.member'\'')' --channel=mychannel # Commit kubectl hlf chaincode commit --config=org1.yaml --user=admin --mspid=Org1MSP \ --version "$VERSION" --sequence "$SEQUENCE" --name=basictransfer \ --policy='OR('\''Org1MSP.member'\'','\''Org2MSP.member'\'')' --channel=mychannel
Install Chaincode – Org2
Prepare connection string
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster1-config kubectl hlf inspect --output org1.yaml -o Org1MSP -o OrdererMSP kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --type=admin --enroll-id enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid Org1MSP kubectl hlf ca enroll --name=org1-ca --user=admin --secret=adminpw --mspid Org1MSP --ca-name ca --output peer-org1.yaml kubectl hlf utils adduser --userPath=peer-org1.yaml --config=org1.yaml --username=admin --mspid=Org1MSP
Install & Deploy Chaincode – Org2
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cluster2-config export SEQUENCE=1 export VERSION="1.0" export LANGUAGE=golang export PACKAGE_ID=$(kubectl hlf chaincode calculatepackageid --path=./basictransfer-external.tgz --language=$LANGUAGE --label=$CHAINCODE_LABEL) echo "PACKAGE_ID=$PACKAGE_ID" # Install - peer0 kubectl hlf chaincode install --path=./basictransfer-external.tgz --config=org2.yaml --language=$LANGUAGE --label=$CHAINCODE_LABEL --user=admin --peer=peer0-org2.default # Install - peer1 kubectl hlf chaincode install --path=./basictransfer-external.tgz --config=org2.yaml --language=$LANGUAGE --label=$CHAINCODE_LABEL --user=admin --peer=peer1-org2.default # Deploy kubectl hlf externalchaincode sync --image=<username>/chaincode:latest --name=$CHAINCODE_NAME --namespace=default --package-id=$PACKAGE_ID --tls-required=false --replicas=1 # Approve kubectl hlf chaincode approveformyorg --config=org2.yaml --user=admin --peer=peer0-org2.default --package-id=$PACKAGE_ID --version "$VERSION" --sequence "$SEQUENCE" --name=basictransfer --policy='OR('\''Org1MSP.member'\'','\''Org2MSP.member'\'')' --channel=mychannel # Commit kubectl hlf chaincode commit --config=org2.yaml --user=admin --mspid=Org2MSP --version "$VERSION" --sequence "$SEQUENCE" --name=basictransfer --policy='OR('\''Org1MSP.member'\'','\''Org2MSP.member'\'')' --channel=mychannel
Step 8: Verify Network Functionality
Once the network is set up and components are deployed, it’s essential to verify its functionality:
Transaction Testing: Initiate transactions and smart contract invocations to ensure proper endorsement, validation, and commitment.
Setting up a multi-cluster multi-organization Hyperledger Fabric network involves careful planning, configuration, and coordination of various components and tools. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can establish a robust and scalable blockchain infrastructure capable of supporting diverse use cases and applications across industries.
Future Work
1. Automate the network setup process by developing scripts.
2. Expand the setup to support multi-cloud clusters—for example, deploying Org1 on AWS, Org2 on GCP, and Org3 on Azure.